Hello, netizen!
Welcome to my garage! This is a place for me to talk about music, publish my art & photography, and
of course, talk about my car.
Want to read a quick novel about me?
Check out my about page!
Want to see some (more) of my art?
See the gallery!
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Valentine, NY
Yet another game idea I may or may not fulfill!
femtanyl//Danny Brown - M3 N MIN3
While I’m not particularly a massive fan of femtanyl as some people are (if you’re on reddit, check out the r/femtanyl board. You’ll see what I’m talking about here) I still enjoy the music to a degree, considering she’s in my last.fm top ten, and have considered making music videos for her music in the past.
Okay, so we might be getting to that point already where I have more motivation to be doing other things rather
than writing blog posts & such. But that’s not a problem for me! This is the beginning of my Variatarium posts
on this site, detailing a bunch of stuff I did this week. One of these might appear from time to time when I have
just had a lot of things going on.
To see all posts, go here!
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See my full gallery over here!