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Valentine, NY November 24th , 2024

Hello, hello! Today’s useless ramble is about a 2D RPG I’ve actually put a bit of work into in regards to art and scripting. I touched on it lightly in Systems but also not really.

So! About this time last year I was screwing around with writing a novel (which didn’t really pan out, but hey) and I came up with a sort-of spinoff idea to the not-so-much-of-a-hit american TV drama from the early 2000s by the name of Dark Angel. Without spoiling much – mainly because I don’t remember much of the plot anymore – it was a sci-fi show set after this massive cyberterrorism attack on the US sends the economy and society as a whole into a tailspin. So I kept thinking, since the show was set in the major metropolitan area of Seattle, what would’ve it been like for people in more rural areas around the time of the attacks? The sudden cutoff of everything as computer systems and telecommunications go down, the news arriving that there’s no recovery in sight, what would that have been like?

This concept eventually evolved into the concept for Valentine, NY. With the story set clear across the country and the player taking control of a wandering vagrant stumbling on a small town in upstate new york that’s had the life drained out of it as a result of a complete economic collapse nationwide, possibly globally. I want the story to be equally about the town and its survival through the world’s fastest recession and about the vagrant themselves and how they ended up driving into town one day in the only working car that the townspeople have seen in the past five years or something.

And of course I want to make more work for myself by having these sorta flashback sequences for the player character to explore the weeks leading up to both the collapse as well as a period of time before they wandered into Valentine.

I hope it sounds as much of an interesting concept when I describe it as it does when I think about it. But yeah, I’m still workshopping designs for the town itself and the various characters that populate it. Mechanics and quests are gonna be coming later, considering it’s primarily gonna be story-based and all that story occurs before the player is even there, I’ll iron that out at a later date.

But yeah, since this one actually has work in-progress, right now in fact, I’ll keep y’all more updated on the progress of this. I’ll bother all my friends about it constantly too. It shall plague the direct messages between them and I for many moons to come until I either drop a demo or lose interest. Here’s to hoping it’s the former.

I’ll be seeing y’all in a sec! Word’s come down the wire that there’s gonna be some sweet new tracks to review sooner or later. Excited to see and hear!