Have any of you watched Firefly? That TV show from 2000-something? Not the movie, Serenity, I choose to ignore that except for the “I aim to misbehave” part. If you haven’t already, I suggest you watch Firefly if you feel like it, it’s a really good show in my opinion. Fuckin’ space cowboys.
Jayne Cobb and his cap in The Message (Firefly S1E12, 2003)
If you have watched Firefly, at least up until the episode The Message, you might remember Jayne Cobb, one of the main crew of the Serenity, getting an orange and yellow knitted cap from his mother in the mail.
I absolutely fucking love the look of that hat.
So ever since 2016 or so when I initially watched the show, I’ve included Cobb’s cap occasionally in character designs that are meant to represent me. This eventually led to the creation of two characters, Polsku and Jinko.
Polsku is a character I designed for D&D some years back in high school, he less represents me as I am in real life and more represents me if I was absolutely fucking feral. And had rabies. At least, that’s how the players I was dungeon master for described him. Polsku’s hat has a bullet hole through the left flap of the cap and two patches, one on the top and one on the right flap. He also typically wore an infantryman’s coat.
Polsku's low-effort reference
Jinko is who you see around the site. He’s more or less me. I don’t own his hat, but I own his jacket and tee, his tattered sweatpants and the slacker attitude. That’s me. I’m sans commercial garage though, but I’m going to overlook that for the time being. Jinko, similarly to me, has about 20 dollars(!) worth of coins in his pockets and he fumbles around trying to find all of them to pay for his slurpee at the local gas station. Needless to say he’s the more realistic representation of me. Jinko also did double duty for me as a character in one of the Shadowrun games I made, as an inept narrative foil to one of the player characters, who if I recall correctly was literally just a Warhammer 40k tech priest. Jinko’s hat only has the patches on the left flap and forehead; no bullet hole.
Jinko and the reference of similar effort
If I remember, I tack on the little dangly confetti bit on the flaps of either character’s hats. I usually forget to draw something that small! As a result, my art frequently flip-flops between having the confetti bit and not having the confetti bit. One day I might go back and retcon all my artwork to have those things. It’d be for the better, in my opinion.
Well, that’s all I have for today! Tune in next week to hear me rant about my cheese preferences.